Building Cloud Infrastructure using AWS CLI
This article will help us to know How to Build Cloud Infrastructure using AWS CLI.
Before dive into the practical part let's understand some basic terminology it will help you for a better understanding of the further part So, Let's get started....
What is AWS ??π€
Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a broad set of global cloud-based products, including compute, storage, databases, networking, analytics, mobile, developer tools, management tools, Internet of Things (IoT), security, enterprise applications and many more with a pay-as-you-go pricing model.
π°Task Description – AWS*_ π»
Create a key pair
Create a security group
Launch an instance using the above created key pair and security group.
Create an EBS volume of 1 GB.
The final step is to attach the above created EBS volume to the instance you created in the previous steps.
NOTE: All the above steps must be performed using AWS CLI
- AWS Account
- AWS CLI Application
- IAM User Configuration with AWS CLI
What is AWS CLI ??π€
AWS Command Line Interface ( CLI ) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services. With just one tool to download and configure, you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts.
To use the AWS Command Line Tool, first we need to Configure Access ID & Secret Key With the help of Identity Access Management ( IAM ) service of AWS.
- Create IAM User With Root User :
Click on Add User
Add user name & Access Type
After successfully user creation we get a Access key ID and Secret key by using these security credentials we can login to AWS CLI easily.
- Configure AWS CLI
$ aws configure
Now we Successfully logged-In to AWS CLI.
π Step - 1 : Create a key pair
$ aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name awstaskkey
We can see the output on Managemnet Console:
π Step - 2 : Create a security group
$ aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name mysecgrp --description "this is my sg"
New Security Group is successfully created !!
π Step - 3 : Launch an instance using the above created key pair and security group
aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-026669ec456129a70 --instance-type t2.micro --count 1 --subnet-id subnet-bc7709f0 --security-group-ids sg-0c13ee07713841076 --key-name awstaskkey
π Step - 4 : Create an EBS volume of 1 GB
command :
$ aws ec2 create-volume --volume-type gp2 --size 1 --availability-zone ap-south-1b
π Step - 5 : The final step is to attach the above created EBS volume to the instance you created in the previous steps
An Amazon EBS volume is a block-level storage device that you can attach to your instances. After attaching volume to an instance, you can use it as you would use a physical hard drive.
command :$ aws ec2 attach-volume --volume-id vol-0cd1777c28baad8b5 --instance-id i-0b20ef877ca5e07e2 --device /dev/sdfThe EBS volume has been attached to our previously created EC2 Instance.Hence, The Task is completed SuccessFully !!
Thank You for reading this article......π
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